Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tragedi sumbat

Based on an annoying tragedy

Okay , 2nd February 2012 , Time : 12:30-3:30 AM . Al kisah bermula apabila 3 orang pelajar pergi ke kantin sekolah pada pukul 12.30 pagi . Salah seorang daripada mereka ternampak "sesuatu" la konon . Mula-mula ingat dia main-main , then dia duduk sorang dalam gelap . Cakap sorang-sorang , tengok pokok . Dia kata dekat member dia lagi dua orang , "Kau nampak tak apa yang aku nampak ?" . Memang terus dua orang tu pecut blaa la . Tinggal dia sorang-sorang . Dalam 30 minit later dia jalan sorang-sorang keliling pokok . In slow motion and robot-like mode . Kitaorang intai dia ramai-ramai , dia duduk cakap sorang-sorang . Then dia naik tangga , nak menuju ke dorm . Tapi sebelum tu dia tarik roomate aku ni . Roommate aku ni yang pergi dengan dia ke kantin tadi . Dia tak marah , tapi dia nak memperkenalkan 'member' baru dia . Roomate aku terus lari panggil budak-budak . Memang ketar habis . Dia cakap pun macam robot , more like ada something yang control suara dia . Kitaorang pun follow dia senyap-senyap dari belakang . Dia cakap je sorang-sorang . Pastu dia kata member dia tengah duduk kat pokok . Dia ajak roomate aku ni pergi tapi aku jenguk kat pokok tu tapi manada pape . Yang peliknya roomate aku ni berani pergi follow . Then dia bawak pergi pokok tu , cakap sorang-sorang . Member aku pun kena layan la kerenah dia , berlakon macam cakap dengan something , walaupun memang takde pape . Mahupun terketar-ketar takut , dia stay kat situ sebab mangsa ni member kacip dia sejak sekolah rendah lagi . Time dia paksa mangsa ni pergi naik dorm , kitorang baca la ayat-ayat suci kat telinga dia . Then tiba-tuba dia menjerit "panas!" . Kitaorang pun tersentaklah and terus berlari . Menyorok dalam dorm dengar ada orang berjalan slow-slow . Buka pintu dorm aku , aku tengok dia jalan slow-slow pergi ke roomate aku tu . Kitorang memang goyang habis la . Then dia cakap perlahan-lahan . "Aku...gurau je" . Gelak bapak la kuatnya then blaa camtu je . Memang frust la kan . Semua kene kencing . Tapi keberanian dia sorang ni memang tak terkata . Expert .

Sorry la ending macam bangang . Cerita ni based on a true story . 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Do You or You Do ?

No matter how far you are. Distance means nothing for i have you. But now everything has change. But im still the same boy you felt for. You didn't left my heart just like you found it. But that does not matter, i'll wait like i've said. Whenever controversion comes, try to hold on. A promise - I'm not the best but i'll try my best. Together we'll always be for what may come. Believe it sweet dear S

Without you

Not tryna be emo like you've said but my life does suck without you. Even though you already have my replacement but i will never forget you. You are not just A girl, You are THE girl. Such an amazing girl you are. For that im proud to had you.  I will never give up on you. I wont say goodbye. It is selfish of me by not letting you go. But think back, what if you let your love one go and they came back. It is the beautiful four capital. I'm always for you. Thats is a promise :')

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My life would suck without you

Baby I was stupid for telling you goodbyeMaybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fightI know that I've got issuesBut you're pretty messed up tooEither way, I found out I'm nothing without youCause we belong together now .

Please get back home

I lost a very big part of my life . The love of my life . I smothered her to much . I wasnt patient . Me and my stupid ego made her mad . So sorry , all im asking from you is a beautiful second chance . Im always be here , waiting for you . Before i end this , here's a poem for you . Im so sorry .

I felt ashamed for what I had done . I don’t have any excuses . I did what I did . I take full responsibility for myself and my actions . I wouldn’t pawn this off on anybody . I’m sorry it happened . And I hurt you . So very sorry . Im always here waiting for you . Please , come back to me . You're one and only home .

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

She somehow change

I dont know what i did wrong . I dont know whats going on . I dont know what to do . She wont return my text or even answer when i call . She starts lying . The way she lie is so smart . Its like shes so innocent . All the sacrificces i make . All the work i payed and you vanish silently without my knowledge . You distaning apart from me . You wont tell me whats going on . Forgetting you is hard cause you are apart of me . Maybe you starting to get bored of me . Maybe you have someone else . I seriously change myself for you . And all that is not worth due to what you done to me know . I never break my promises . But unfortunantely , you already did that for me . Thanks a lot . I wish you have a good life . For all my mistakes and wrong doing , please forgive me . Although i know it is not my fault :'(

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A new chapter begins

Nur Syazreena Pakaruddin

Syazreena is my love
Syazreena always make me smile
Syazreena brings me joy
Syazreena takes away my sorrows
Syazreena is just wonderful
Syazreena is the definition of cuteness
Syazreena is pious
Syazreena is a generous girl
Syazreena is friendly (to me only)
Syazreena loves to be compliment
Syazreena i stop the compliment now and give you a poem which i really mean from the bottom of my heart
Dear Syazreena this one is for you

When nights are long and friends are few,
I sit by my window and think of you,
A silent whisper, a silent tear,
I love you with all my heart,
I wish you were here .

Beautiful is you
Cutenes is also you
Cryer is not you
Easy to get mad definitely not you
A heart beater thats you and for that im happy that you still beat my heart
Hindi fan for sure 
Ill end this blablabla with  quote 

My Love

Love, like a river, will cut a new path
whenever it meets an obstacle . I shall forever and always be for you . And im with you whenever you need me .

P/S : When i got down on one knee i just know that you will say i do . Cause what we have now is        true love . I love you Syazreena .